Wood trim is traditional and gives a feeling of quality to the house, yet the oversize "chunky" style provides a very contemporary feeling.

A very boring and uninspiring room can suddenly become your favorite room with the use of moulding and the delightful architectural details it provides as it wraps around columns, self returns in stairways, or adds interest with a pie cut around a bull nosed edge. A wide range of creative choices are available to you - chair rails, plate rails, cornices, wainscoting, and window and door frames - combined with fabric, paint colors or wallpaper - and the saddest little room can become a bright spot in your home.

The crisp, satin surface and beautifully proportioned curves and shadow lines bring a room to a whole new level with a small investment. Used in just the public areas of your home, moulding brings a significant increase in value to your home.

This year we painted our upstairs sample room in a wonderful blue green shade that our customers love.

Moulding Masters strives to make a home more beautiful and comfortable for the owner - our only rule is that the color have sufficient contrast with the moulding color to set it off.

Shaides of WHITE.

Moulding Masters has years of experience and can tell you the perfect shade of WHITE for your moulding. Warm or cool whites, satins or semi glosses, talk to us about your plans. Let us help you set off your wall color and texture with the perfect choice of moulding and paint.